Traffic Safe™ Store
Occupancy Management
Limiting store occupancy is an essential element to promoting staff and shopper safety through social distancing. It’s not only the right thing to do but, increasingly, a regulatory requirement. Traffic Safe provides “self-serve” shopper store entry while maintaining occupancy limits.
Buy Safe™ Curbside
Pickup Notification
Many high-risk individuals and those with children increasingly prefer curbside pickup of purchases. During some recovery phases, stores may only be permitted to operate if offering this service. Buy Safe enables shoppers to notify the store of their arrival by clicking a link on their confirmation email.
Queue Safe™ Checkout
Line Director
Shoppers queued at each checkstand may maintain social distancing, but the resulting lines often overflow into aisles, interfering with other shoppers. In some stores, a single queue leading to all checkstands can be routed to mitigate this issue. Queue Safe provides a labor-free solution immediately directing each customer to the next available cashier.
Shopper Safe™ Social
Distance Messaging
Audio messages reminding shoppers of social distancing and face covering requirements promote compliance and assure customers of a commitment to safety. Shopper Safe provides customized health and safety messages either as a self-installed smart device targeting store cluster points or through remotely administered storewide messaging.
FitSafe™ Fitting room
sanitation compliance
Re-opening fitting rooms is a critical next step for apparel retailers. By graphically displaying which dressing rooms are occupied, sanitized and ready for use, and in need of sanitation, shoppers see objective evidence of clean fitting rooms. When shoppers try on clothes, they have more confidence in purchase decisions resulting in greater conversion and fewer returns.